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Adamson, Donald.

International hotel English

 Wydano: Hemel-Hempstead : Prentice-Hall , 1989

Binham, Philip.

Hotel English

 Wydano: Hemel Hempstead : Prentice-Hall , 1982

Duckworth, Michael

English for tourism

 Wydano: Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1992

Eastwood, John

English for travel

 Wydano: Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1980

Eastwood, John

English for travel

 Wydano: Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1980

Gow, Marion.

First assignments in travel and tourism

 Wydano: London : Edward Arnold , 1989

Harkess, Shiona

With pleasure!

 Wydano: Hong-Kong : Nelson , 1991

Harkess, Shiona

With pleasure! English for hotel service staff

 Wydano: London : Edward Arnold , 1991

Harkess, Shiona

You're welcome - English for hotel reception

 Wydano: London : Edward Arnold , 1991

Harkess, Shiona

You're welcome

 Wydano: Hong-Kong : Nelson , 1991