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Adair, John (1934- ).

The action-centred leader

 Wydano: London , , 1988

Adam, Everett.

Production and operations management

 Wydano: Englewood Cliffs : Prentice Hall , 1992

Afuah, Allan.

Biznes internetowy - strategie i modele

 Wydano: Kraków : Oficyna Ekonomiczna. Oddział P , 1999

Allan, Jane.

How to develop your personal mangement skills

 Wydano: London : Kogan Page , 1989

Anderson, David R.

An Introduction to management science

 Wydano: Cincinnati : South-Western College Publishi , 2000

Anderson, David R.

An introduction to management science

 Wydano: Cincinnati : South-Western College Publishi , 1988

Anderson, David R.

Quantitative methods for business

 Wydano: Cincinnati : South-Western College Publishi , 2001

Appleby, Robert.

Modern business administration

 Wydano: London : Pitman Publishing , 1991

Armstrong, Michael (1928- ).

Management processes and functions

 Wydano: London : IPM , 1990

Armstrong, Michael (1928- ).

The new manager's handbook

 Wydano: London : Kogan Page , 1990