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Anderson, Paul V.

Business communication

 Wydano: London : HJB Publishers , 1989

Bovee, Courtland L.

Business communication essentials. A skills-based[...]

 Wydano: Boston : Pearson Education , 2010

Bowman, Joel P.

Business communication

 Wydano: Chicago : The Dryden Press , 1987

Collins, Graham

PEI guide to English for business communications

 Wydano: London : Pitman , 1990

Cullinan, Mary

Business communication

 Wydano: Fort Worth : Holt, Rinehart and Winston , 1989

Katz, Bernard

Turning practical communication into business pow[...]

 Wydano: London : Mercury , 1989

Leggott, Peter

Communication matters

 Wydano: London : Hodder & Stoughton , 1990

Mońka, Beata

Porozum się albo giń : zwierzęca recepta na sukce[...]

 Wydano: Warszawa : Bright Future , 2012

Stanton, Nicky

Mastering communication

 Wydano: Palgrave Macmillan , 2009