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Ansoff, Igor.

Corporate strategy

 Wydano: London : Penguin Books , 1987

Bleeke, Joel.

Collaborating to compete

 Wydano: New York : John Wiley & Sons , 1993

Buzzell, Robert D.

The PIMS principles

 Wydano: New York : The Free Press , 1987

Copeland, Lennie.

Going international

 Wydano: New York : Random House , 1985

De Wit, Bob


 Wydano: London : International Thomson Business , 1998

De Wit, Bob


 Wydano: London : International Thomson Business , 2004

Dixit, Avinash K.

Sztuka strategii

 Wydano: Warszawa : MT Biznes , 2009

Engel, James

Promotion strategy

 Wydano: Homewood : Irwin , 1987

Galbraith, Jay

Strategy implementation

 Wydano: St. Paul : West Publishing Company , 1986

Garrette, Bernard.

Strategie aliansów na rynku

 Wydano: Warszawa : Poltext , 1996