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A concise dictionary of business

 Wydano: Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1990


 Wydano: New York : Macmillan , 1984

Dictionary of business

 Wydano: Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1990

English for business

 Wydano: Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1973


 Wydano: Cincinnati : South-Western Publishing , 1988

Growing your business

 Wydano: London : Confederation of British Indus , 1989

Przewodnik Businessmana

 Wydano: Warszawa : Centralny Ośrodek Informacji G , 1998

z Fortune

 Wydano: Zofingen : Time Inc., 1994- , 2003-

Z The Economist

 Wydano: New York : The Economist Newspaper Limite , 2003-

Adam, J. H.

Longman dictionary of business english

 Wydano: Immeuble Esseily : York Press , 1989