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Armstrong, Michael (1928- ).

A handbook of personnel management practice

 Wydano: London : Kogan Page , 1993

Armstrong, Michael (1928- ).

A handbook of personnel management practice

 Wydano: London : Kogan Page , 1991

Armstrong, Michael (1928- ).

Personnel and the bottom line

 Wydano: London : Institute of Personell Managem , 1989

Attwood, Margaret.

Personnel management

 Wydano: Basingstoke : Macmillan , 1989

Beer, Michael.

Managing human assets

 Wydano: New York : The Free Press , 1984

Bohlander, George.

Managing human resources

 Wydano: Ohio : South-Western College Publishi , 2001

Brinkman, Rick.

Nie ma trudnych ludzi

 Wydano: Warszawa : Studio EMKA , 2003

Courtis, John

Recruiting for profit

 Wydano: London : IPM , 1989

Cuming, Maurice W.

The theory and practice of personnel management

 Wydano: Oxford : Heinemann Professional Publish , 1989

Dessler, Gary

Human resource management

 Wydano: New Jersey : Prentice Hall , 2000