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Adair, John (1934- ).

Anatomia biznesu

 Wydano: Warszawa : "Studio Emka" , cop. 2000

Bell, Gordon.

The secrets of successful speaking and business p[...]

 Wydano: Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann , 1991

Comfort, Jeremy

Effective presentations

 Wydano: Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1995

Ellis, Mark

Giving presentation

 Wydano: Longman

Howe, Brian

Visitron: the language of presentations

 Wydano: Harlow : Longman , 1984

Howe, Brian

Visitron: the language of presentations

 Wydano: Harlow : Longman

Kerridge, David

Presenting facts and figures

 Wydano: Harlow : Longman , 1988

Minto, Barbara

The pyramid principle

 Wydano: London : Pitman , 1987

Reynolds, Garr

Presentation zen

 Wydano: Berkeley, CA : New Riders , 2012

Schwalbe, Heinz

Sztuka przemawiania

 Wydano: Warszawa : Placet , 1994