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Johnston, Robert.

Cases in operations management

 Wydano: London : Pitman Publishing , 1997

Kasiewicz, S.

Zarządzanie operacyjne w dobie globalizacji

 Wydano: Warszawa : Difin , 2002

Krajewski, Lee J.

Operations management: process and supply chains

 Wydano: Upper Saddle River : Pearson Education , 2010

Reid, R. Dan

Operations management

 Wydano: New York : John Wiley & Sons , 2002

Waller, Derek L.

Operations management

 Wydano: London : International Thomson Publishi , 1999

Waters, Donald

Operations Management

 Wydano: Harlow : Addison-Wesley Publishing Comp , 1996

Wild, Ray

Essentials of production & operations management

 Wydano: London : Cassell , 1990