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Gabarro, John.

Managing people and organizations

 Wydano: Boston : Harvard Business School Public , 1992

Hackett, Penny.


 Wydano: London : Institute of Personnel Managem , 1991

Hackett, Penny.


 Wydano: London : IPM , 1991

Leigh, Andrew

Effective change

 Wydano: London , , 1991

Luecke, Richard

Jak zatrudnić i zatrzymać najlepszych

 Wydano: Warszawa : MT Biznes , 2003

Mendenhall, Mark

Readings and cases in international human resourc[...]

 Wydano: London : South-Western College Publishi , 2000

Moorhead, Gregory

Organizational behavior

 Wydano: Boston : Houghton Mifflin Company , 2001

Sajkiewicz, Alicja. Red.

Zasoby ludzkie w firmie

 Wydano: Warszawa : "Poltext" , 2003

Stafford, Christopher E.

People in business organisations

 Wydano: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1990

Torrington, Derek.

Personnel management

 Wydano: London : Prentice hall , 1995