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Rowlands, K. E.

Management English - a language course for foreig[...]

 Wydano: London : Hodder and Stoughton , 1980

Rowlands, K. E.

Management English

 Wydano: London : Edward Arnold , 1979

Saeed, Khalid

Computer information systems and industrial manag[...]

 Wydano: Białystok : Wyższa Szkoła Finansów i Zarzą , 2003

Schein, Edgar

Organizational culture and leadership

 Wydano: San Francisco : Jossey-Bass Inc , 1991

Schermerhorn, John R.

Managing organisational behaviour

 Wydano: New York : John Wiley & Sons , 1991

Scott, John

Effective management skills

 Wydano: London : Sphere/British Institute of Ma , 1984

Scott, John

Effective management skills

 Wydano: London : Sphere/BIM , 1987

Shank, John K.

Cases in cost management

 Wydano: Cincinnati : South-Western College Publishi , 2001

Simon, Hermann.

Zwyciężanie na trudnym rynku

 Wydano: Warszawa : MT Biznes , cop. 2009

Skov, Niels A.

Finanse i zarządzanie

 Wydano: Warszawa : International School of Manage , 1991