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Staniforth, Martin

The case studies in communication skills

 Wydano: London : Edward Arnold , 1986

Stanton, Nicki


 Wydano: London : Macmillan , 1990

Stanton, Nicky

Mastering communication

 Wydano: Palgrave Macmillan , 2009

Stewart, Marie M.

Business English and communication

 Wydano: New York : Gregg Division/McGraww-Hill Bo , 1984

Wainwright, Gordon R.

Meetings & committee procedure

 Wydano: London : Hodder and Stoughton , 1987

Weir, Cyril J.

Communicative language testing

 Wydano: Hemel Hempstead : Prentice Hall , 1988

Wiley, Terrence G.

Communicating in the real world

 Wydano: Englewood Cliffs : Prentice Hall , 1987

Zimmer, Stewart

Business English and communication

 Wydano: New York : Glencoe