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Casserley, Dominic.

Facing up to the risks

 Wydano: New York : Harper Business , 1991

Chilver, Joseph


 Wydano: Leckhampton : Stanley Thornes , 1990

Comfort, Jeremy.


 Wydano: Hemel Hempstead : Prentice Hall , 1992

Copeland, Thomas

Student solutions manual for fanancial theory and[...]

 Wydano: Massachusetts : Adisson-Wesley Publishing Comp , 1988

Corbett, Jim

English for international banking and finance

 Wydano: Cambridge : cambridge University Press , 1990

Corbett, Jim

English for international banking and finance

 Wydano: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press

Cuthbertson, Keith

Financial engineering

 Wydano: New York : John Wiley & Sons , 2003

Cuthbertson, Keith


 Wydano: Chichester : Wiley , 2001

Damodaran, Aswath

Corporate finance

 Wydano: New York : John Wiley & Sons , 2001

Damodaran, Aswath

Corporate finance

 Wydano: New York : John Wiley & Sons , 1997